Archive | July, 2010

Insights, visions, and fruit salad.

18 Jul

This has been a week of insights….not always what I want to know….visions…not always what I want to see….and fruit salad….I would much rather have tacos.

“Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darkness of other people.”….Carl Jung

It is oh….so easy to know how others fail us….yet, we have a hard time knowing how badly we really fail ourselves.  (*what we know about others is merely the transference of ourselves…on them.  ) Awesome don’t you think?    You must know your own dirt….it ain’t pretty folks….but it is real.  It will ground you to what is good….this “knowing” your own dirt.  It is not to be afraid of, but is to be embraced.  Funny thing, when you “know” your own “dirt” the other guy’s dirt makes more sense and really isn’t so bad.

“The question is not what you look at, but what you see.”…Henry David Thoreau

“I shut my eyes in order to see”….Paul Gauguin

If you don’t look at something….you surely won’t see it.  If you “see” in your mind…what it is…you may avoid looking at it….love this.  Fear again, will keep us from seeing all the wonders and good because we refused to look at what we are.  Seeing and understanding connections starts in seeing and understanding what we are connecting…Us and Them.  And Us needs to be first….there is no seeing and understanding Them if we have not taken the time to understand ourselves first.  If we skip the “US” part than all we see of “THEM” is “US”.

Like Gauguin…close your eyes….focus…be surprised…but see!

And the fruit salad?….The good for us stuff.  We know…we are not stupid…what will work well for us.  Do we run to it and embrace it?…NO….we want Taco’s.   The spicy, tear up your stomach kind…everything but the kitchen sink kind. Forget stupid fruit salad.   Good for us?….sure….exciting?…..NOT.  Have it both ways…eat(drum roll)….. FRUIT TACOS.  Hey, you may be surprised at how well it will work and how well you will like it.  NO stress, tension, hate, anger, fear….just….easy, comfortable, loving, relationships.    Forever?…no, but then nothing lasts forever.  Do not worry, you get to  Know, See, and Eat…FRUIT TACOS….again tomorrow.