Archive | November, 2011

Listening to the Music.

8 Nov

Many friends, send me “You Tube” songs to hear…many….I have never heard before.

Some songs are joyous…frivolous…fun!  Some songs are dark, sorrowful, and sad.   I hear hope in one…and loss of hope in another.  The songs fly through all the many emotions and feelings.  Here….there….and here again.  I am one…I am none…I am all…what is this?

Listening to one today, by John Lennon…I realized…I do not hear John in this…I do not know what is his dream from this….I hear mine.  I see mine…I dream, mine.

This is truly sent from God.  My God or your God or their God….sent…through this man, maybe….but sent none the less.

And I realize…all good, all bad, all up, all down…..all of it….is given…..all of it….is sent.

Which way is forward....which way is back.